
Monitta & Muhyiddin

The Bride & The Groom

Monitta Putri Lisa Mary S.Sn. MISTM.

Monitta Putri Lisa Mary S.Sn. MISTM.

The second daughter of
Hery Susanto S.H., M.M. and Dra. Sri Sulistyaningsih M.M.


Muhammad Muhyiddin S.Sos.

Muhammad Muhyiddin S.Sos.

The third son of
M. Artantib (alm) and Hj. Noor Fadhilah


October 10th, 2020









Get Your E-invitation

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Marriage Settlement followed by Traditional Javanese Ceremony

15:30 - 17:30


18:30 - 20:00
BSB Sport Club and Lakers' Resto
Jalan RM Hadi Subeno Sasrowardoyo, Pesantren, Mijen, Pesantren, Kec. Mijen, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50212, Indonesia
Kota Semarang

Virtual Wedding

Our wedding will be aired live on this website. Please stay tuned.

Send us your video greetings!

Far to the eyes close to the heart (Jauh di mata dekat di hati). We would like to invite our friends, family and colleagues to send us video greetings for our special day from the comfort of your home. To upload your video, please visit

Join our interactive virtual wedding session!

It’s time to get dressed! We will held our interactive virtual wedding during akad and traditional procession. We would be happy to greet you personally. The virtual wedding will be held in Bahasa and English language. To get the detail, please fill this form*

*Not required for people who had received a personal invitation

Virtual Wedding Schedule

15.30 – 15.45 Opening 15.45 – 16.00 Greetings 16.00 – 16.30 The marriage procession 16.30 – 16.45 The preparation for Javanese traditional procession 16.45 – 17.35 Javanese traditional procession and Zoom interactive session 17.45 – 18.00 Closing 18.00 – 18.30 Break 18.30 – 20.00 Wedding Kirab & reception (without host)

Live stream not found yet.


  • Aland Baraputra GOING
    Happy wedding chiro dan muhyidin
    Semoga lancar, sakinah, mawadah, warrahmah.
    Semoga saling melengkapi dan mesra terus
    3 years ago

  • Adelia Fadhillah GOING
    Mba Monn & Mas Muyy Happy Wedding!!
    Semoga sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah💕💕💕
    3 years ago

  • Bui gia Bao GOING
    Happy Wedding Monitta <3 Muhyiddin!!!
    I am so happy that you - two beautiful souls found each other and hope you will have a long, happy future together.
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful day with us, such a pleasure to witness it!
    All the best to you and your family.
    3 years ago

  • Fanni & Trias
    Dear Mas Muyik dan Mba Nitta,
    Happy wedding! 10.10
    Semoga sakinah mawaddah warrahmah 💛💛💛
    3 years ago

  • Hani & Iif Syarief Hudaya GOING
    Congratulation to the bride and groom.
    May today be the beginning of a long, happy life together.
    Tante Hani & Oom Iif.
    3 years ago

  • Windiyani Ladoi GOING
    Kurang sejaaaaam lagi, ikutan deg degaaan. Semogaaaaaa lancarrr
    3 years ago

  • Windiyani Ladoi GOING
    Momonnn dan Mas Muyy, selamaaat yahh. Akhirnyaaa sampe ke titik ini. Senang sekali liat kalian berdua
    3 years ago

  • Robertus Theodore GOING
    Selamat menempuh Hidup baru MM! Semoga bahagia dan sehat selalu.. :D
    3 years ago

  • Sri Prastiti Kusuma Anggraeni GOING
    Selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga berlimpah berkah dan suka cita.
    3 years ago

  • Aisha Shaidra GOING
    Selamat ya untuk Mas Muyi dan Mbak Monita. Semoga rumah tangganya langgeng. Sakinah, mawaddah, wa rahmah
    3 years ago

  • Mochamad Ainan, SE, M.M, M.Si GOING
    Alhamdulillah, semoga lancar dn langgeng sampai tua Ms Muhyiddin dan Mbak Monita ... semoga sakinah mawaddah warrohmah
    3 years ago

  • Annisa Rizkiayu Leofianti
    Dear Muyi dan Monitta, seneng juga nambah pasangan cinlok yang netes ke pelaminan dari biro jodoh KSP... semoga langgeng sampai kakek dan nenek, saya percaya kalian berdua tahan banting akan mampu melewati segala masalah hidup berdua.. bahagia selalu, doa teriring dari Jakarta ❤❤❤
    3 years ago

  • Mei Han Feng and Tzu Hung Chen GOING
    Congrats My Mary❤️ I wish I could be there in person to witness your happiness! But anyway, I will definitely send a lot of love from Taipei. Happy wedding! Looking forward to tomorrow’s wedding! Love you.
    3 years ago

  • M. Arif Eka GOING
    Barokallah Mas Muyik dan Mbak Monitta.. Istikhorohe akhirnya terjawab dan sampai tujuan. Mugo lancar dan langgeng mas Muyik
    3 years ago

    Selamat ya Muyik dan Monitta...
    3 years ago

  • Kikuko Harada GOING
    Congratulations, Monitta! I look forward to attending your wedding from Kyoto!
    3 years ago

  • Imma Luthfi Rahayu
    Barakallah Muhyi dan mb Monita,, semoga diberi kelancaran oleh Allah, selalu dalam RahmatNya dan limpahan kebahagiaan. Aamiin.
    3 years ago

    Adinda Muhyi, sdh cukup hazanah keagamaan yg telah terpatri dlm sanubari. Bukan masa yg pendek engkau berkumpul dg orang2 Solih saat itu juga dg para sesepuh klg besarmu. Semoga dg berbekal ilman nafi'an-mubaraka tsb, adinda senantiasa diberikan kekuatan utk membangun klg "samara" dg diiringi Wildan mukhalladun, generasi salih-salihah yg membanggakan, amin. (Abu Dzarrin al-Hamidy sklg/PP. Asshomadiyah Burneh Bangkalan Madura East Java)
    3 years ago

  • Syauqie M. Marier GOING
    Alhamdulillah, semoga lancar dn langgeng sampai tua mas muyik dan mbak monita ... semoga sakinah mawaddah warrohmah
    3 years ago

  • Linda Novi Trianita GOING
    semoga lancar Muyik dan Mba Monitta.... berkah selalu untuk kalian
    3 years ago

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A Sign of Love

Your virtual presence at our wedding is the greatest gift of all. We can’t celebrate this wedding together with you, but we know that your blessing is here with us. If you wish to bless us with a gift, we would greatly appreciate a contribution to our little family.

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